Speed Bumps

Every once in a while, you’ll hit a speed bump along your journey. It might throw you off balance. It might kick you to the sidelines for a bit. It might cause you to pause, reflect, feel some kind of way… But darling don’t let that speed bump distract you for too long because you’re…

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A New Path

You’re striding along your path, happy as can be. Smiling at the world, buzzing like a bee. You couldn’t have seen it coming, oh dear, but there it was. You suddenly fell into a hole, and spent much time wondering what it was. Why me? How did this happen? After much too much time asking…

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Your Presence is Requested

What once was, is no longer so. The past can be revisited for a short while, but darling do not get lost there. Let it rest. What could be, is not yet. The future may be an exciting place to visit, but do not stay there for long, for you will surely miss the present…

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